International Industries Limited continues to focus on being valued corporate citizen. We are developing new business practices that grow both our company and communities. Reducing our environmental footprint and increasing our positive social impact.

TCF IIL Campus in Landhi provides affordable/free education to almost 400 students.
The Company is also in the process of establishing a health clinic in Landhi in association with SINA Health, Education & Welfare Foundation to provide free medical facilities to the community living in the vicinity of its manufacturing facilities.

IIL has funded the construction & on-going maintenance of a mosque in the Landhi area.
Sustainability Measures
- All aspects of sustainability including efficient operational procedures, effective internal controls, ethical behaviour and energy conservation are an integral part of our business model. We also believe that employees are highly critical in the progress, growth and sustainability of any organization.
- With improved processes the Company has been able to reduce the solid waste by 1.2% and liquid waste by 10.5 % respectively compared to the 2013.
- Fuel gases are directed to waste heat recovery boilers, saving substantial input energy. The overall energy saving achieved was 9% higher compared to 2013.
- Processes are continuously improved to minimize any wastage or reducing the process time and this year we could achieve 5.2% reduction in scrap produced.
Corporate Governance
The Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct set the highest standards for business integrity. The salient features of our Code center around
- Business Ethics
- Regulatory Compliance & Accounting Controls
- Avoidance of Conflict of Interests
- Environment
- Personal Conduct
International Industries Limited places the highest value on the health & Safety of people, the environment and all who come in contact with our products. We expect our behaviours to reflect this value at all times.
In creating a high performance culture and one in which we do not want to harm people or the environment, we always look for ways to improve or performance and continue to move towards achieving our mission.
Safety trainings and inspections are a regular occurrence at IIL. An OHSE booklet outlining best practices has been developed and distributed to all factory workers. IIL continues to focus on making its offices and factories safe and healthy places to work.
To strength our commitment to fight international environmental challenges IIL is signatory of business leadership proposed by United Nations Global Compact to demonstrate commitment to caring for climate and carbon burden reductions.
Launched in July 2000, the UN Global Compact is a both a policy platform and a practical framework for companies that are committed to sustainability and responsible business practices. As a leadership initiative endorsed by chief executives, it seeks to align business operations and strategies everywhere with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
As a result of these efforts, International Industries Limited has been awarded a trophy for the third position in the overall category in a nationwide OHSE Best Practices 2014 competition organized by the Employers’ Federation of Pakistan.